Behavioral addiction

What is behavioral addiction?

If a person does something so often
that she or he can no longer cope with everyday life,
then this is called behavioral addiction.
A behavioral addiction is a disease.

There are different types of behavioral addictions,
for example:

  • playing too many gambling games
  • ordering too many things online
    or shopping compulsively in stores
  • watching too many porn movies
  • spending too much time on the mobile phone
  • playing too many computer games
  • watching too many films and series
  • spending too much time on the internet
    and on social networks

What are the consequences of behavioral addiction?

People with behavioral addictions
can no longer control their behavior.
Some people aren’t capable anymore
of completing the important tasks of their everyday lives.
Some go into debt,
for example, if they are addicted to gambling.

Many people are ashamed of their behavioral addiction
and want to hide it.
Then they often lie to their loved ones,
so that no one notices their behavioral addiction.

What happens in behavioral addiction counseling?

If you want to change your behavioral addiction,
then counseling can help you.
Our counseling sessions are free and anonymous,
that means you don't have to give us your real name.

In the first conversation we talk to you
about your behavioral addiction and your wishes for the future.
Sometimes we refer you to other help centers
for example to debt counseling services.

You can book up to 5 more counseling appointments with us,
voluntarily and free of charge.

In the counseling sessions you will learn, for example,
how to change your behavioral addiction
and how to avoid risky situations.
In group sessions you will get to know other people
that are familiar with similar problems like yours.
The exchange with other affected people will help you
to understand and change your behavioral addiction.

What do you need for behavioral addiction counseling?

Please give us a name
and contact information,
for example a telephone number or email address,
so that we can inform you
if we need to reschedule an appointment.
You do not need to bring a health insurance card.

Is there counseling for relatives?

If you are concerned about a behavioral addiction
of a family member or friend,
then we are happy to counsel you.
Please contact us for an initial consultation.


Beratungsstelle für Verhaltenssucht
Wartenburgstraße 8
10963 Berlin

Phone: 030 66 63 39 55

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